End of Year Reflection

End of Year Reflection

Written by: Alison VanMelle, Day of Coordinator It seems like it’s every girl’s dream to work as a wedding planner – Or maybe that’s just me after I watched J. Lo on the big screen in ‘The Wedding Planner’. Regardless, I get to come to work everyday...
Halloween Champagne Club

Halloween Champagne Club

We love embracing the eerie and celebrating the spooky around Halloween at Port 393. From haunted houses to costume parties, this holiday offers endless opportunities for fun and fright! But we believe we know the BEST way to celebrate Halloween! Port 393’s Halloween...
September Port 393 Updates from Candice Grant

September Port 393 Updates from Candice Grant

Venue Updates Attention 2024 Couples! We have something special coming your way! (Starting May of 2024) Introducing: The Cove House The Cove House will be a completely renovated space offering two separate gettingready suites, bathrooms, a kitchenette and a courtyard....